Bolsa Florist

Black Tip Forever Roses


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Deluxe wrap bouquet. Adorn any space with grace using our versatile Eternal Elegance arrangement. Available in various sizes, it seamlessly transitions from tabletop charm to statement centerpiece. Nestled in a chic container, blending classic and contemporary aesthetics, these meticulously air-dried flowers retain their beauty indefinitely.

The harmonious color palette, varying in each arrangement, creates a visually stunning masterpiece suitable for any setting. With no special occasion needed, the enduring beauty of these flowers becomes a timeless symbol of affection and appreciation.

Perfect for weddings, birthdays, or any special event, our arrangement adds sophistication to your moments.

Care Instructions
Longevity and Care: These preserved flowers will stay vibrant for an extended period. Simply keep them away from direct sunlight and excessive humidity to maintain their everlasting charm.

Varieties and colors of flowers may vary according to season and availability